I’ve Got Your Number -Sophie Kinsella :Book Review


Series: Standalone

Rating: 5/5

Synopsis: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12033455-i-ve-got-your-number

I think I just went through a mini technological romance phase because this past trip to the book store I picked up this text message romance along with Rainbow Rowell’s Attachments, which is love by e-mail. Let me just say, both were amazing!

While reading this my thoughts were a two sided coin:

  1. OMG!!! This poor lady! I would just die of mortification!!!! Totally feeling the second hand embarrassment here!
  2. And this is why we should not tell lies…

They both went hand and hand. Her lies were the main cause of all her extremely embarrassing and troublesome situations and although this book was not relatable (thank goodness), it was still amazing. Now I did not get overly attached to the main character, Poppy Wyatt but this girl is super hilarious and although there does not seem to be a lot of depth to her, it was mostly her vulnerability that made her human. Yes the situations seemed very unlikely but her flaws were real. She really needs to surround herself with better friends though; very self-centered, stereotypical rich airhead type of girls that only seem to be your friend to further the gossip streams.

Poppy’s interactions with Sam were spectacular and even though he tends to be a grump, Sam is my favorite character (a very modern day Mr. Darcy); a very brief and haughty businessman to the core with a lovely sense of humor. Poppy seems to bring out the best and worst of him, depending on what lie she has spun and it almost always enacts a witty banter battle (yay!)

A perfect summer read that will make you want to hunt down more Kinsella books (did that at the library today)!

Book Review: Golden Boy – Abigail Tarttelin


Raiting: 5/5

Synopsis: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15803173-golden-boy

This book fell into my possession due to a Goodreads giveaway (Yay me!) and normally I am not one for adult fiction but I wanted to try my hand at something new and let’s be honest, the synopsis was to die for! Okay so maybe it doesn’t sound too awesome to some of ya’ll but hey, these are just my thought (what can you do?).

Beautiful disaster. There you go, that was the book in a nutshell. Not as in the writing was terrible and the characters forgettable but as in OMG this poor kid has it rough and he is so sweet and this family has so many issues but still manages to remain mostly love-able (not liking the mom) and wow!! The characters are my favorite part and with the chapters split between 6 of the main characters’ and from their perspective you really got to see what everyone is thinking, the choices they make, and WHY! That was a big one for me, the why.

The book is really fast pace and with the different POVs you really get to see everything as it happens and how one thing snowballs and has a domino effect on everyone else. These characters are the most real fictional people that I have read in a while and although this is not something that I will re-read a million times a year, it is one that I would recommend to  anyone interested in trying out adult fiction or interested in different views on sexuality and on being intersex.

If you are interested Goodreads is giving way 20 copies and the deadline is April 23, 2013 (click the synopsis link to enter).

This book’s expected publication date is May 21, 2013.